TV antenna

kaden_parabolic_antenna We accept antenna construction. Please feel free to consult us about the construction of popular terrestrial digital antennas and the topic of 4K8K satellite broadcasting.

安心の工事保証 3年です!!

Terrestrial digital broadcasting antenna construction


Work contents 料金(出張料+技術料+消費税) Memo
Installation of design antenna 28,000 yen 20素子相当 デザインアンテナ本体費用込み (ブースターは別)
八木アンテナの設置 (屋根上等) 40,000 yen 20素子相当 八木アンテナ・金具・資材一式込み (ブースターは別)
UHFブースターの設置 15,000 yen Installation of terrestrial digital compatible (not BSCS compatible) booster
Inspection / adjustment 10,000 yen Inspection and adjustment of terrestrial digital antenna
Removal and disposal of existing antenna 7,000 yen Cost for removing old antenna at the same time as antenna construction

4K8KCorresponding BSCS broadcast antenna construction


BSCS antenna

Work contents 料金(出張料+技術料+消費税) Memo
Installation of parabolic antenna for BSCS broadcasting 26,000円 4K8K対応のパラボラアンテナ 本体費用・取付金具込み (ブースターは別)

地デジ+BSCS対応 ブースターの設置

20,000 yen Installation of terrestrial digital + BSCS compatible booster
Installing the mixer 8,000 yen 後からBSCS放送を追加される際に必要な場合がございます。 本体費用込み
Inspection / adjustment 10,000 yen Inspection and adjustment of parabolic antenna for BSCS broadcasting
既設BSアンテナの撤去・処分 5,000 yen Cost for removing old antenna at the same time as antenna construction

Terrestrial digital broadcasting + 4K8K compatible BSCS broadcasting Antenna set construction


Design antenna + BSCS antenna

Work contents 料金(出張料+技術料+消費税) Memo

地デジデザインアンテナ + BSCS放送用パラボラアンテナ + ブースターの設置


65,000円 20素子相当 デザインアンテナ本体 + 4K8K対応のパラボラアンテナ 本体と取付金具 + 地デジ+BSCS対応ブースターの設置

地デジ八木アンテナ + BSCS放送用パラボラアンテナ + ブースターの設置


80,000円 20素子相当 デザインアンテナ本体 + 4K8K対応のパラボラアンテナ 本体と取付金具 + 地デジ+BSCS対応ブースターの設置
Removal and disposal of existing antenna 7,000 yen Cost for removing old antenna at the same time as antenna construction

Optional construction

* Please request optional work at the time of booking. We may not be able to accept it on the day of construction.


Work contents fee(出張料+技術料+消費税) Memo
Installing / replacing the distributor 5,000 yen Distributor body price is separate
TV端子の交換 (端末タイプ) 4,000 yen Parts included
TV端子の交換 (中間タイプ) 5,000 yen Parts included
Installing the mixer 8,000 yen Parts included


  • Depending on the contents of the construction, we may not be able to accept it.
  • Prices are subject to change without notice depending on the price of gasoline and materials.

Other costs

  • Coin parking fee


  • Cash payment → After the work is completed, pay to the worker.
  • Credit card payment → VISA, Mastercard, American Express, JCB, Diners Club, Discover
  • Electronic money → Edy, Suica, Pasmo, nanaco, WAON, etc.