Electrical work and electrical trouble




In addition to electrical work, we offer a wide range of installation and connection settings, replacement of ventilation fans, replacement of doorphones, replacement of lighting fixtures, replacement of fluorescent lights and bulbs, expansion of outlets and repair of switches.


We also accept installation and installation work of products purchased by customers. Please feel free to contact us.

安心の工事保証 3年です!!

Field survey and Estimate

Site surveys and business trips are available for a fee. (Some free)
Estimates via email and LINE are free.

Work contents 料金(出張料+技術料+消費税) Memo
Survey / Estimation (within 30 minutes) (* 1) 5,000 yen  
Survey / Estimation (30 minutes or more) (* 2)
Things that take time, such as a leakage test.
5,000 yen ~ 5,000 yen every 30 minutes
Survey / Estimation
Repeaters who request our company for the second time or later
Customers living in Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama and some surrounding areas


  1. If you can repair it on the spot, please refer to the standard price list below.
  2. Customers will be responsible for the current recovery costs for investigations that require internal and external tearing due to electrical leakage in the building walls or under the floor.


Work contents 料金(出張料+技術料+消費税) Memo
Installation and replacement of electric lights, ceiling lights, and lighting fixtures 11,000 yen 電気工事が不要な器具は、8,000円で対応可
Installing the ceiling fan 17,000円~ Including waste disposal
Replacing the hook ceiling 9,000 yen Parts fee is separate
電球交換・蛍光灯交換 8,000 yen

Parts fee is separate

高所の電球交換・蛍光灯交換 15,000 yen

部品代は別 高さ3.5m程まで

蛍光灯器具のLED化工事 11,000 yen

LED蛍光灯含む (器具はそのままで蛍光灯からLED管への変更工事・バイパス工事)



Electrical construction work


Work contents 料金(出張料+技術料+消費税) Memo
コンセント・スイッチの交換 8,000 yen  
Breaker replacement 8,000 yen 子ブレーカー、漏電ブレーカーなど商品代金は別

Estimate required

(15,000 yen~)




8,000 yen コンセント、ブレーカー交換が必要な場合、部品代は別
Replacing the distribution board

Estimate required

(15,000 yen~)

The distribution board is separate
単相3線式 電気工事

Estimate required







Work contents 料金(出張料+技術料+消費税) Memo
インターホン・ドアホンの交換 11,000 yen

親機1台 子機1台 の場合



Estimate required



Estimate required







Work contents 料金(出張料+技術料+消費税) Memo
ワイヤレス防犯カメラの設置・交換(1台) 11,000 yen 本体、部品代は別
ワイヤレス防犯カメラの設置・交換(追加カメラ) 7,000 yen 本体、部品代は別
ワイヤレス防犯カメラ用 電気工事 防雨BOX含む(1か所)

Estimate required

(15,000 yen~)




TV installation and setting

Work contents 料金(出張料+技術料+消費税) Memo

TV installation / connection / setting

8,000 yen Another cost of parts, such as cable
TV installation / connection / setting
12,000 yen Another cost of parts, such as cable
TV installation / connection / setting
16,000 yen Another cost of parts, such as cable



20,000 yen ケーブル、壁掛け金具などの部品代は別

Recorder installation / settings

8,000 yen Another cost of parts, such as cable

TV disposal

5,000 yen

Home appliance recycling fee

Refrigerator setting

Work contents 料金(出張料+技術料+消費税) Memo
Installation of refrigerator (total capacity 110L or less) 9,000 yen  
Installation of refrigerator (total capacity 111L or more) 16,000円~  
Disposal of refrigerator 運搬手数料
5,000 yen

Home appliance recycling fee


Washing machine setting

Work contents 料金(出張料+技術料+消費税) Memo
Washing machine setting
(Fully automatic washing machine, 2 tank type)
9,000 yen 部品代金は別
Washing machine setting
(Drum-type washing machine)
17,000円 部品代金は別
Disposal of washing machine Collection fee
5,000 yen

Home appliance recycling fee

処分のみのご依頼で、ドラム式洗濯機の処分は、別途 +5,000円


  • The above is the price of the construction fee. The price of goods such as washing machine bread and wash basin and the necessary material price are different.
  • Please do not hesitate to contact us for the owner supply work.

Other costs

  • 夜間料金 18:00以降のご依頼 5,000円
  • Coin parking fee


  • Cash payment → After the work is completed, pay to the worker.
  • Credit card payment → VISA, Mastercard, American Express, JCB, Diners Club, Discover



  • Electronic money → Edy, Suica, Pasmo, nanaco, WAON, etc.